Clothing Store
Columbia Unicenter

We design and build the exclusive Columbia store at Unicenter shopping. Based on the aesthetics that the brand uses globally, it adjusted to local technologies, developing a work that was completed in less than a month.


Unicenter Shopping, Paraná 3745, Martínez
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Clothing Store Columbia Unicenter
Work with us
Arquitectura Comercial Samsung
Arquitectura Comercial Wrangler
Arquitectura Comercial Tea Connection
Arquitectura Comercial Volcom
Arquitectura Comercial Green Eat
Arquitectura Comercial Petrobras
Arquitectura Comercial Bridgestone
Arquitectura Comercial Ternium
Arquitectura Comercial Techint
Arquitectura Comercial Tenaris
Arquitectura Comercial Tecpetrol
Arquitectura Comercial Easy
Arquitectura Comercial Samsung
Arquitectura Comercial Wrangler
Arquitectura Comercial Tea Connection
Arquitectura Comercial Volcom
Arquitectura Comercial Green Eat
Arquitectura Comercial Petrobras
Arquitectura Comercial Bridgestone
Arquitectura Comercial Ternium
Arquitectura Comercial Techint
Arquitectura Comercial Tenaris
Arquitectura Comercial Tecpetrol
Arquitectura Comercial Easy
Arquitectura Comercial Samsung
Arquitectura Comercial Wrangler
Arquitectura Comercial Tea Connection
Arquitectura Comercial Volcom
Arquitectura Comercial Green Eat
Arquitectura Comercial Petrobras
Arquitectura Comercial Bridgestone
Arquitectura Comercial Ternium
Arquitectura Comercial Techint
Arquitectura Comercial Tenaris
Arquitectura Comercial Tecpetrol
Arquitectura Comercial Easy

Same space
Infinite stories

We design and build each location to generate great experiences that add value to your brand. Shall we talk?

I want to be contacted

Where we are

Av. Monroe 5233, CABA, Argentina
(+54 11) 4524-2962
